Grid Resilience Grant Award

York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive, Inc. (YEC) is pleased to receive grant mon­ey from San­tee Coop­er through the Grid Resilience Grant Pro­gram, fund­ed by the US Depart­ment of Ener­gy (DOE). This mon­ey will be used to com­plete five projects with­in our ser­vice ter­ri­to­ry. For more infor­ma­tion on these projects and the grant appli­ca­tion process, please vis­it the San­tee Coop­er web­site and look for updates in South Car­oli­na Liv­ing mag­a­zine from your coop­er­a­tive.

Read the press release below for more details.

The image displays the logo of "Santee Cooper," featuring stylized green letters "SC" above the company's name on a light gray background.MONCKS CORNER, S.C. – San­tee Coop­er has secured final approval for 18 projects, total­ing $10.8 mil­lion in fund­ing, sub­mit­ted to its Grid Resilience Grant Pro­gram last year by elec­tric coop­er­a­tives and munic­i­pal and oth­er util­i­ties from across South Car­oli­na.

Togeth­er, the projects rep­re­sent grid improve­ments that will reduce the num­ber of out­ages and improve restora­tion times dur­ing extreme weath­er events, pri­mar­i­ly in dis­ad­van­taged areas of the state.

San­tee Coop­er is serv­ing as the state admin­is­tra­tor for the for­mu­la grant pro­vid­ed to South Car­oli­na through the Bipar­ti­san Infra­struc­ture Law, sec­tion 40101(d). The projects sub­mit­ted to and approved by the U.S. Depart­ment of Ener­gy (DOE) rep­re­sent fund­ing avail­able for fed­er­al fis­cal years 2022 and 2023. San­tee Coop­er and inde­pen­dent con­sul­tant Guide­house reviewed the project sub­mis­sions, deter­mined all 18 came with­in San­tee Cooper’s pro­gram guide­lines and fed­er­al require­ments, and approved the projects for full fund­ing. The DOE approval clears the way for project work to begin.

“The projects that were sub­mit­ted range from bury­ing over­head pow­er lines to adding self-heal­ing equip­ment that improves restora­tion abil­i­ty,” said Jim­my Sta­ton, San­tee Coop­er pres­i­dent and CEO. “Col­lec­tive­ly they will make South Carolina’s elec­tric grid stronger in the face of hur­ri­canes and oth­er extreme weath­er. It has been our priv­i­lege to work with the DOE and so many util­i­ties across the state who are dri­ven to pro­vide the best ser­vice pos­si­ble to their mem­bers and cus­tomers.”


Berke­ley Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive (BEC): $982,228

Imple­ment an auto­mat­ed fault loca­tion, iso­la­tion, and ser­vice restora­tion sys­tem (FLISR) in a remote and dif­fi­cult-to-access area to decrease out­age restora­tion times.

Broad Riv­er Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive: $183,964

Install addi­tion­al remote­ly con­trolled devices and new con­trols to improve mon­i­tor­ing and con­trol capa­bil­i­ties and increase reli­a­bil­i­ty for two cir­cuits that have expe­ri­enced out­ages.

City of Rock Hill: $71,470

Add two auto­mat­ed over­head switch­es and a self-heal­ing device to address cir­cuit-lev­el out­ages.

Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive, Inc. Project 1: $400,000

Improve mon­i­tor­ing and con­trol capa­bil­i­ties to increase sec­tion­al­iz­ing, reduce out­ages and expand FLISR abil­i­ties.

Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive, Inc. Project 2: $796,000

Replace aging over­head dis­tri­b­u­tion lines on the back of lots with under­ground lines on the front of lots to improve reli­a­bil­i­ty by and increase access to the lines.

Fair­field Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive, Inc. Project 1: $225,000

Update equip­ment and improve sys­tem mon­i­tor­ing and con­trol, allow­ing for remote pow­er restora­tion.

Fair­field Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive, Inc. Project 2: $900,000

Rebuild four miles of over­head dis­tri­b­u­tion line serv­ing a waste­water treat­ment plant in a remote area that has expe­ri­enced extend­ed out­ages.

Gaffney Board of Pub­lic Works (GBPW): $417,605

Deploy tech­nol­o­gy to locate, pre­dict, and pre­vent issues on the elec­tri­cal grid.

Hor­ry Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive, Inc.: $779,823

Install self-heal­ing devices on exist­ing poles along major trans­porta­tion cor­ri­dors, allow­ing auto­mat­ed restora­tion with­in sec­onds for out­ages between these devices.

Lau­rens Com­mis­sion of Pub­lic Works: $777,917

Replace cutout switch­es, inspect all poles on the sys­tem, and accel­er­ate veg­e­ta­tion man­age­ment.

Lock­hart Pow­er Com­pa­ny (LPC): $833,333

Install enhanced resilien­cy insu­la­tors and storm-hard­ened met­al poles on Jonesville 34kV line, part of a larg­er project to replace an aged 18-mile seg­ment of line between two sub­sta­tions.

MPD Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive: $1,191,604

Install dis­tri­b­u­tion man­age­ment and automa­tion sys­tems to auto­mat­i­cal­ly clear instan­ta­neous and short-dura­tion faults.

Pal­met­to Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive, Inc.: $1,946,000

Replace 44 old hydraulic reclosers with new elec­tron­i­cal­ly con­trolled reclosers with remote mon­i­tor­ing and oper­at­ing capa­bil­i­ties in areas con­sid­ered to be dis­ad­van­taged com­mu­ni­ties.

York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive, Inc. Project 1: $125,193

Build a 2.1‑mile over­head line to pro­vide an alter­nate feed to two long radi­al lines in hard-to-reach areas of Bon­nor Hor­ton Road and West McConnells High­way and improve reli­a­bil­i­ty.

York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive, Inc. Project 2: $152,664

Install a dis­tri­b­u­tion automa­tion scheme across its ser­vice ter­ri­to­ry in the Cataw­ba Indi­an Nation.

York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive, Inc. Project 3: $59,886

Install an under­ground tie line between Legion Road and Val­ley Haven Trail in Hick­o­ry Grove, cre­at­ing a usable back­feed and reduc­ing the num­ber of radi­al line miles by 13.54 miles.

York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive, Inc. Project 4: $717,357

Bury approx­i­mate­ly three miles of over­head line going into the Kings Moun­tain Nation­al Mil­i­tary Park and a sin­gle-phase line feed­ing Camp Chero­kee, a local YMCA sum­mer camp.

York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive, Inc. Project 5: $206,855

Bury approx­i­mate­ly two miles line feed­ing the Kings Moun­tain State Park, almost entire­ly inside of the State Park.

San­tee Coop­er has filed for Fis­cal Year 2024 avail­able fund­ing and will begin solic­i­ta­tion of pro­pos­als for the third-year fund­ing after the DOE pro­vides clear­ance to do begin.