
Generac® generatorYEC has become a cer­ti­fied Gen­er­ac deal­er, work­ing with a local installer to pro­vide mem­bers the option to pur­chase a whole house gen­er­a­tor at a dis­count­ed rate.

Although we pray storms stay clear of our ser­vice area, no one can guar­an­tee the weath­er. Hold­ing true to our com­mit­ment to look out for you, we have researched anoth­er way to pro­vide you with the pow­er you need, even in the worst storm. We under­stand that elec­tric­i­ty is a neces­si­ty and we want to do our part, even when it might be out of our con­trol, to keep your pow­er on. If you have any ques­tions about pur­chas­ing a gen­er­a­tor for your home, please con­tact Ener­gy Ser­vices Coor­di­na­tor Brent Clin­ton at or apply here online.

We look for­ward to serv­ing your needs with this pro­gram, help­ing you stay pow­ered on all the time.