Electric Vehicle Time of Use Rate Program

York Electric Cooperative, Inc. (YEC) is proud to offer a special electric vehicle rate for our members using this new technology.

PLEASE NOTE: YEC will only install a time-of-day meter at your home. You must have a qualifying Electric Vehicle Charger and a submeter installed separately by a qualified electrician.

Below, please find brief instructions and guidelines to install the required Level 2 EV charger:

  • YEC will install a time-of-day meter at your home.
  • A breaker, with at least a 40 Amp capacity, should be installed with the sole purpose of serving the submeter and EV charger.
  • We recommend using a 100 Amp meter base for the submeter, noting a ground rod is not required for this installation.
  • The wire used to connect the breaker and submeter must include 4 wires: two hot legs, a neutral, and a ground. The wire must be at least 8 gauge in size and connect to the top lugs or connectors of the meter base.
  • The EV charging wire must connect to the bottom lugs or connectors of the meter base.
  • For convenience and maintenance, we recommend having all required sections of the new installation beside one another.
  • The installation of an EV charger and submeter should only be performed by qualified individuals. YEC highly recommends hiring a certified electrician to install this equipment.
  • The latest National Electric Code (NEC) guidelines apply for all steps of the installation.

Level 2 EV Charger and Meters