![[PDF] Commercial Net Metering – Rate Schedule 76 – Rate 20](https://www.yorkelectric.net/wp-content/uploads/2019-05-bylaws-graphic-600w.jpg)
- Version 2021-01
- File Size 90 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date January 1, 2021
- Last Updated January 2, 2021
- Download PDF
Available to individual small commercial or general service members with a required transformer capacity less than 50 KVA who own and operate a solar photovoltaic, wind-powered, biomass-fueled, micro-hydro generating system or other Cooperative-approved renewable generation source of electric energy (“Eligible Generation Source”) installed on the Member’s side of the delivery point of the Member’s primary legal residence, for the Member’s own use, where a part or all of the electrical requirements of the member can be supplied from the member’s generating system but interconnected with and operated in parallel with the Cooperative’s distribution system.