Report Outdoor Light Outage

Thank you for helping us find street lights and security lights that are out or are malfunctioning. We ask for your name and phone number in case we need more information to help fix the problem. Simply complete the form below then click on the submit button. Our crews will see that the light(s) is repaired as quickly as possible. To report a hazardous condition, please call 803-684-4248. To report a power outage, please call 866-374-1234 or text OUTAGE to 352667

Your Name:(Required)
Name of the person who pays for the security light:
Your Street Address:(Required)
Your Email Address:(Required)
Unless you've specifically requested to be added to our email list, your email address will never be used for email newsletters, or surveys, nor will it ever be shared with any other person or organization.
What type of problem are you reporting?(Required)

Describe the Location

Please describe the address or closest address of the problem you are reporting.
Is this a commercial or residential address?(Required)
Location Address:
Have you marked or tagged the security light for easy identification?(Required)
If no address is available, please tell us the name of the street and which side of the street the light is on - North, South, East, or West. (For example: NW 1st Avenue, south side of street). Also, tell us the number of streetlights from the closest cross street, e.g., 3rd streetlight east of 1st Street).
York Electric Cooperative does not reveal any personal information that users provide to us through our website to any third party. All information provided via this form is kept strictly confidential. Please see our Privacy Policy for details.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.