Indoor Lighting Rebate

Upgrade to ener­gy-effi­cient light­ing. Low­er your costs.

Con­sid­er­ing a light­ing upgrade? You could get a rebate of up to half (50%) of the total project cost based on your light­ing use dur­ing peak peri­ods. That’s when demand for elec­tric­i­ty is high.


  • Sav­ings on upgrade expens­es, as well as light­ing costs. LEDs use much less ener­gy than oth­er light bulbs.
  • Light­ing options that work for your needs. LED tech­nol­o­gy now offers a vari­ety of light­ing solu­tions.
  • Reduced main­te­nance. Since LEDs last much longer than tra­di­tion­al bulbs, your team will spend less time chang­ing bulbs and more time being pro­duc­tive!
  • Take advan­tage of incen­tives on ener­gy-effi­cient light­ing* prod­ucts for your busi­ness before they are gone!

* Incen­tives are only avail­able for all LED lights that meet the Design Lights Con­sor­tium (DLC) stan­dards.