Lake Wylie developer sees positive signs

Todd Fields of Fields Masonry, far left, talks with May Green Properties developer Tom Smith as he builds an entrance column for The Coves on River Oaks. The stones, Smith notes, had been in storage for several years.
Todd Fields of Fields Mason­ry, far left, talks with May Green Prop­er­ties devel­op­er Tom Smith as he builds an entrance col­umn for The Coves on Riv­er Oaks. The stones, Smith notes, had been in stor­age for sev­er­al years. Pho­to: Wal­ter All­read

Lis­ten close­ly. You can hear it at The Coves on Riv­er Oaks. No, not the mut­ed bus­tle of masons, sur­vey­ors, crafts­men, cus­tom builders and sub­con­trac­tors. It’s the sound of an eco­nom­ic rebound in progress.

For Tom Smith, it’s sweet music indeed.

Smith, a part­ner in May Green Prop­er­ties with his father, Tim Smith, and John Sar­rough, sounds pos­i­tive that the reces­sion that all but shut­tered the hous­ing indus­try is end­ing. “We’ve all been sleep­ing in the bear’s den for a while,” he says. “We’re all com­ing back out.”

The vet­er­an devel­op­er, who helped cre­ate the Lake Wylie com­mu­ni­ties of Patrick Place, Camp­bel­l’s Cross­ing, The Tim­bers and Van­der Lake, among oth­ers, says he’s seen a resur­gence in land sales and cus­tom-home con­struc­tion, par­tic­u­lar­ly at The Coves on Riv­er Oaks and near­by Car­oli­na Coves.

Residence built by John Rehm—JR Homes
The res­i­dence, above, built by John Rehm—JR Homes, was the first spec home sold “in a long time,” Smith added.

Smith and his father expe­ri­enced the local boom first­hand. “We were out here when there was­n’t much in the Lake Wylie area,” he says. Pre­vi­ous­ly, the Smiths worked with Home­stead Land & Tim­ber Com­pa­ny. They estab­lished May Green Prop­er­ties in 2000, along the way build­ing a sol­id work­ing rela­tion­ship with York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive, which serves 12 of their 15 devel­op­ments.

“It’s nice because the guys that have been with York Elec­tric have been there for years,” he says. “It’s just good to see famil­iar faces.”

What Smith does­n’t see— over­head pow­er lines—is part of what he gets from YEC. The May Green vision—“to cre­ate low-den­si­ty, envi­ron­men­tal­ly sen­si­tive com­mu­ni­ties which pro­vide prop­er­ty own­ers aes­thet­ic sat­is­fac­tion and eco­nom­ic appre­ci­a­tion through thought­ful plan­ning and good stew­ard­ship of the land”—is enhanced by YEC under­ground ser­vice.

Surveyor Cam Robinson of Baird Engineering lines out new tracts.
Sur­vey­or Cam Robin­son of Baird Engi­neer­ing lines out new tracts. Pho­to: Wal­ter All­read

The co-op built a 2.5- mile line along Riv­er Oaks Dri­ve, an invest­ment Smith says has paid off: “A lot of peo­ple love this area because there are no over­head lines.”

Coop­er­a­tion, in a gen­er­al sense, has been just as key to the cur­rent rebound, he says. Smith cred­its the sup­port of asso­ciates includ­ing CWD Con­struc­tion, Inc., M.J. Palmer Con­struc­tion Co., and Kuh­lkin Builders, Inc., among oth­ers, as well as a host of able sub­con­trac­tors and, cru­cial­ly, the peo­ple at South Car­oli­na Bank and Trust (SCBT).

Cooperation at work

YEC's Tim Scism meets with Nancy and Tracey Bridges of Aspen Homes at a house they're building.
YEC’s Tim Scism meets with Nan­cy and Tracey Bridges of Aspen Homes at a house they’re build­ing in Phase II of The Coves on Riv­er Oaks. The con­struc­tion sec­tor is see­ing a wel­come rever­sal of for­tune, says Nan­cy, quot­ing Shake­speare: “The worm has turned.” Pho­to: Wal­ter All­read

The team­work yields good jobs for folks around the area. “We’ve used as many local peo­ple as pos­si­ble,” Smith notes. Cus­tom builder Chuck Dohm of CWD Con­struc­tion agrees: “I bet 90 per­cent or more of the sub­con­trac­tors are York Coun­ty guys.” The cur­rent resur­gence is good for every­body’s bot­tom line, Dohm says. “We’re putting peo­ple back to work, that’s for sure.”

Anoth­er cus­tom builder, Mike Palmer of M.J. Palmer Con­struc­tion Co., agrees. “There is a lot of activ­i­ty. Things are com­ing back to life,” Palmer says. “It was eeri­ly qui­et for a while. The phone was­n’t ring­ing.”

Palmer, who has built homes in most May Green devel­op­ments, notes, “I’ve got four projects going on in York Coun­ty now. One is a home that was put on hold for a num­ber of years.”

He adds, “I think things are bet­ter than a lot of peo­ple think they are. And I think peo­ple are tired of sit­ting on the side­lines.”

Custom builder, Mike Palmer, of MJ Palmer Construction Co.
Cus­tom builder, Mike Palmer, of MJ Palmer Con­struc­tion Co.

A 3,600-square-foot home Palmer is build­ing at The Coves on Riv­er Oaks is typ­i­cal of the kinds of projects May Green Prop­er­ties attract. “This house, the cou­ple real­ly could­n’t find any­thing out there on the mar­ket like what they need­ed, so they decid­ed to build cus­tom,” he says. “They real­ly fell in love with the lay of the land over here and the size of the lot.”

May Green tracts are typ­i­cal­ly large enough for the pri­ma­ry home, addi­tion­al garage, pool, pool house or ten­nis court if desired—and soon, Smith notes, even a “moth­er-in-law suite,” or sep­a­rate, sec­ondary home, in some devel­op­ments.

Palmer says home buy­ers are mov­ing far­ther out­side of Char­lotte, many rec­og­niz­ing that prop­er­ty val­ues are often bet­ter in South Car­oli­na. The avail­abil­i­ty of financ­ing from SCBT for projects like Palmer’s helps attract buy­ers.

Custom builders Chuck Dohm of CWD Construction, Inc., right with Tom Smith
Cus­tom builders Chuck Dohm of CWD Con­struc­tion, Inc., right with Tom Smith, have new projects under way in The Coves on Riv­er Oaks. “We’re putting peo­ple back to work, that’s for sure,” says Dohm, who lives near­by. Pho­to: Wal­ter All­read

SCBT has also helped May Green finance road con­struc­tion. “Those guys came in after we pooled our mon­ey and scratched and clawed and made it through the worst times,” Smith says. “We came up with enough mon­ey for half and then they came in.” Strong ini­tial sales since open­ing The Coves on Riv­er Oaks in October—six new homes under con­struc­tion and 11 lot sales—will give the bank a quick pay­back, he notes.

SCBT’s senior vice pres­i­dent of com­mer­cial bank­ing, Kevin Black­wood, says, “It’s been a plea­sure to help the Smiths and May Green Prop­er­ties wel­come new res­i­dents to York Coun­ty.”

A for­mer coun­ty coun­cil mem­ber, Smith antic­i­pates con­tin­ued, steady growth around Lake Wylie, an unin­cor­po­rat­ed area he likens to a town. He says Pole Branch Road will be widened; he also expects com­mu­ni­ty ball fields to be con­struct­ed near­by soon.

Committed to quality

‘Make it green—keep it clean’ – That’s the slo­gan for the mulch-using mem­bers of Team Green at Riv­er Oaks, where May Green Prop­er­ties com­bines good stew­ard­ship of the land with effi­cient use of resources. Devel­op­er Tom Smith says he learned this les­son while work­ing for forestry com­pa­ny Canal Wood. “They used every bit of what they had,” he says, “so we start­ed to use that same mod­el here.” Wood from home sites is recy­cled as mulch for Team Green mem­bers, elim­i­nat­ing the need to haul wood waste to land­fills, there­by reduc­ing wear on local roads.

Even with growth, Smith remains focused on pre­serv­ing the area’s nat­ur­al beau­ty with the green space cor­ri­dors, walk­ing trails and qui­et parks for which May Green devel­op­ments are known. In addi­tion to envi­ron­men­tal preser­va­tion, he says, the com­pa­ny is com­mit­ted to using local builders and con­trac­tors, with con­tin­ued empha­sis on high-qual­i­ty con­struc­tion. That includes his tap­ping YEC’s exper­tise with out­door light­ing and under­ground ser­vice, of course.

As Smith knows, when you’re claw­ing your way out of a “bear’s den” of a reces­sion, famil­iar faces are a com­fort indeed.

“It’s been a tru­ly local coop­er­a­tive effort to get back,” he says.

For more infor­ma­tion, access or call (803) 631‑4136.

By Wal­ter All­read