YEC members score big with $2.7 million in Capital Credits

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A $2.7 mil­lion touch­down with Cap­i­tal Cred­its

In May 2025, York Elec­tric mem­bers will receive a total of $2.7 mil­lion in Cap­i­tal Cred­its. Mem­bers who were served by the coop­er­a­tive in 2004, 2005, or 2023 can expect to receive a check in May or, if the amount is less than $20, as an elec­tric bill cred­it begin­ning in April.

At York Elec­tric, mem­ber­ship pays. Our mem­bers are more than cus­tomers: they’re own­ers of our coop­er­a­tive. As an own­er, we return any rev­enue exceed­ing our oper­at­ing costs back to you. Think of it as your cash back from a per­cent­age of the mon­ey you pay each year for the ener­gy you use.

Last year, York Elec­tric retired anoth­er $2.7 mil­lion in Cap­i­tal Cred­its, the high­est ever at that time. Your co-op return­ing the same amount of mar­gins again in 2025, while con­tin­u­ing to invest in new tech­nolo­gies and pro­grams, demon­strates our sound finan­cial health.

Ques­tions about your cap­i­tal cred­it allo­ca­tion? Our Mem­ber Ser­vices team is ready to assist you, at (803) 684‑4248.