Official Notice of York Electric’s Annual Meeting

Carolyn Boyd
Car­olyn Hicks Boyd, Secretary/Treasurer

YEC will cel­e­brate 84 years of ser­vice to the mem­bers of York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive by host­ing their annu­al meet­ing of mem­bers on Wednes­day, April 30, at Tega Cay’s Cataw­ba Park, and Sat­ur­day, May 3, at YEC’s main office. The meet­ing will be dri­ve-thru only, and reg­is­tra­tion and vot­ing will open on Wednes­day, April 30, in Tega Cay, from 9 a.m.–2 p.m. and on Sat­ur­day, May 3, in York, from 8 a.m.–1 p.m. Each mem­ber is eli­gi­ble for one reg­is­tra­tion, vote and prize draw­ing entry. We will host a vir­tu­al busi­ness meet­ing, avail­able for stream­ing on our web­site and on our Face­book page. A tran­script of the vir­tu­al meet­ing will also be avail­able on our web­site.

Action will be tak­en on the fol­low­ing mat­ters dur­ing the meet­ing:

1. The report of offi­cers, trustees and com­mit­tees

2. The elec­tion of trustees

3. All oth­er busi­ness which may come before the meet­ing

A football player holding a ball represents York Electric's Super Bowl event for 2025. It's an annual meeting of members, promoted as game time.
Remem­ber your reg­is­tra­tion card on the front of SC Liv­ing mag­a­zine and tear off the bot­tom por­tion of the front page. This has the account infor­ma­tion our team needs to reg­is­ter you at this year’s annu­al meet­ing. Bring this, along with a valid ID, to reg­is­ter and vote at one of our two loca­tions.

Mem­bers are encour­aged to attend the annu­al meet­ing and MUST bring a valid pho­to ID and their reg­is­tra­tion post­card, which is attached to the front of this mag­a­zine. All mem­bers who wish to be entered into the prize draw­ing and to vote must be in line by 2 p.m. on Wednes­day or by 1 p.m. on Sat­ur­day.

Each reg­is­tered mem­ber will receive a $25 cred­it on their June 2025 bill. All mem­bers must be present to vote, receive the reg­is­tra­tion gift and be entered into the prize draw­ing. Reg­is­tered mem­bers will receive one draw­ing entry for valu­able prizes, includ­ing a Kub­o­ta Zero-Turn lawn­mow­er, $500 pow­er bill cred­it, and VISA gift cards. Mem­bers who choose to reg­is­ter at the Tega Cay loca­tion will be entered into a spe­cial draw­ing for three prizes: one $500 pow­er bill cred­it and two $250 pow­er bill cred­its.

Your cooperative’s audit­ed finan­cial report will be avail­able dur­ing the week of the annu­al meet­ing on our web­site, at each of YEC’s offices, and by request at the annu­al meet­ing.

You will find a map for the vot­ing and reg­is­tra­tion dri­ve-thru routes on the back cov­er of SC Liv­ing Mag­a­zine and on our web­site. For more details about the annu­al meet­ing, please con­tact our Mem­ber Ser­vices team at (803) 684‑4248.

I look for­ward to see­ing you and your fam­i­ly on Wednes­day, April 30 or Sat­ur­day, May 3.

Carolyn Boyd signature

2025 Annual Meeting Trustee Elections


Incum­bent, nom­i­nat­ed by peti­tion
Williams Roy “Will” Mitchell

Incum­bent, nom­i­nat­ed by peti­tion
Kevin Tol­son

Incum­bent, nom­i­nat­ed by peti­tion
Richard B. Sadler