Enhanced Metering Arrives for YEC Members

Safe. Smart. Secure.

York Elec­tric is mak­ing invest­ments to improve our elec­tric grid. We are replac­ing old meters with enhanced meters, sim­i­lar to what oth­er coop­er­a­tives and util­i­ties around the coun­try have already done.

YEC’s enhanced meters allow us to take read­ings remote­ly, pin­point out­ages more quick­ly, and pro­vide more detailed data on your ener­gy use. Say hel­lo to improved effi­cien­cy, mem­ber ser­vice and reli­a­bil­i­ty.

Learn All About Our Enhanced Meter­ing Project»

We’ll be keep­ing our mem­bers up-to-date on progress all along the way with maps and infor­ma­tion about how it’s going.

Fol­low Our Progress Here»