Save more energy, lower your bill

The CEO poses for the camera
Craig Spencer

Your co-op is dif­fer­ent than oth­er util­i­ties. It is impor­tant that you under­stand, espe­cial­ly with the rate change going into effect on elec­tric­i­ty used dur­ing the month of Feb­ru­ary, that our mon­ey is your mon­ey.

Your co-op is a not-for-prof­it busi­ness, and we share our suc­cess with our mem­bers. To be exact, we share our mar­gins, or mon­ey we earn in excess of what it costs to keep your lights on and ser­vice reli­able, with you in the form of cap­i­tal cred­its in May each year. Remem­ber, we oper­ate your co-op on just 30 cents for every dol­lar we take in, which is low­er than oth­er co-ops in our state and oth­er local util­i­ties. It will stay that way even with the changes tak­ing place this month.

As win­ter con­tin­ues, I encour­age you to do what you can to keep mon­ey in your pock­et. Cold­er tem­per­a­tures out­side mean an increase in ener­gy use inside. Stay proac­tive to keep your bill and ener­gy use low.

Get cozy. Lay­er up for addi­tion­al warmth instead of rais­ing your ther­mo­stat. The low­er you can keep your heat, the less ener­gy you use.

Don’t block vents. Locate your home’s vents and ensure fur­ni­ture, rugs or oth­er items aren’t block­ing them.

Take advan­tage of sun­light. Dur­ing the day, open win­dow cov­er­ings to let nat­ur­al sun­light warm your home. Make sure to close them at night to block cold­er night­time air.

Mind the draft. Locate and block air leaks and drafty win­dows and doors to increase ener­gy effi­cien­cy and your com­fort indoors. Low-cost items such as caulk and weath­er strip­ping can make a big dif­fer­ence.

Do a self-assess­ment. Go to our ener­gy effi­cien­cy page to learn more about what you can do to save ener­gy and mon­ey.

You can count on us to con­tin­ue to look out for you, help you keep your bill low and sup­port you as we nav­i­gate these chal­lenges togeth­er.

Craig Spencer
Pres­i­dent and Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer