2024 Noteworthy accomplishments

Hav­ing reli­able ser­vice is some­thing we take seri­ous­ly at YEC, and we know our mem­bers pri­or­i­tize. Con­tin­ued main­te­nance, plan­ning and expan­sion for growth are all part of how we sup­port this impor­tant part of your ser­vice. Addi­tion­al­ly, our employ­ees are locals look­ing out for you, answer­ing your ques­tions and tak­ing your calls.

Our team is proud to part­ner with oth­er coop­er­a­tives for the ben­e­fit of our mem­bers. For exam­ple, thanks to our part­ner­ship with New Hori­zon Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive in Lau­rens, we recent­ly were able to replace sev­er­al fail­ing trans­mis­sion poles with­out dis­rupt­ing ser­vice for any mem­bers. It was no small feat, but a suc­cess­ful exam­ple of how we are always look­ing out for you.

Below are our key per­for­mance indi­ca­tors on con­tin­ued sys­tem improve­ments and oth­er promi­nent ways our team served you in 2024. We’re proud of the work we’ve accom­plished. In fact, from sur­vey­ing our mem­bers, we earned a 96.5% sat­is­fac­tion rate on the work we’ve done for you. We look for­ward to keep­ing up the trend in 2025.

Infographic titled "YEC’s 2024 by the Numbers" highlights statistics on construction, operations, and community involvement, including poles inspected, billing statements, and community fundings.

Text ver­sion of this graph­ic

Con­struc­tion & Main­te­nance: 5,313 poles inspect­ed, 2,500 con­struc­tion jobs, 274 miles of right-of-way trimmed, 150 poles replaced, 7.7 miles of line replaced to increase reli­a­bil­i­ty, 3 miles of line moved under­ground, 1 new out­age automa­tion project, 1 new sub­sta­tion built

Dai­ly Oper­a­tions: 777,576 miles dri­ven, 696,000+ billing state­ments mailed, 87,509 calls answered, 5,000 mem­bers with access to fiber inter­net, 3,764+ hours assist­ing mem­bers over the phone, 2,000 mem­bers uti­liz­ing rur­al inter­net part­ner­ship with Com­po­ri­um, 1,092 new YEC mem­bers, 871 online sup­port chats

Com­mu­ni­ty Involve­ment: $4.2M bench­mark reached in total returned to com­mu­ni­ty through Oper­a­tion Round Up (ORU) since 2000, $339.500 fund­ing award­ed through ORU, $20,000 Bright Ideas grants award­ed, $13,500 schol­ar­ship funds award­ed, 10,000+ mem­bers host­ed at YEC events