The deadline to apply for York Electric’s summer youth trips, Washington Youth Tour and Cooperative Youth Summit, is fast approaching.
Washington Youth Tour, June 15-20, is an all-expenses paid trip to Washington, D.C., for high school juniors. Participants experience the nation’s capital with hundreds of students from across South Carolina and the country, meeting lawmakers and touring all the sights. York Electric will cover your round-trip plane ticket, tours and meals.
Cooperative Youth Summit, July 14-17, gives high school sophomores the opportunity to experience South Carolina’s capital like never before. Students will tour the Statehouse, meet lawmakers, see how co-ops are preparing for our state’s energy future and visit popular Columbia attractions including Riverbanks Zoo & Garden. York Electric covers all your expenses.
The deadline to apply for Washington Youth Tour and Cooperative Youth Summit is Feb. 28.
YEC will also award five $3,000 Touchstone Energy Scholarships to graduating seniors at area high schools and one $3,000 Technical Advantage Scholarship to a local graduating senior attending a technical college in the fall.
The deadline to apply for these scholarships is March 15.
Visit our educational opportunities page for more information and to apply.