Annual Veterans Day Celebration

Veterans Day celebration at American Legion on Heckle Blvd, Nov. 11, 8AM-5PM. Smiling person wearing "Air Force" cap, American flag background.

Active and for­mer mem­bers of our Armed Ser­vices, please join us at Amer­i­can Legion Post 34 at 524 Heck­le Blvd. in Rock Hill on Mon­day, Novem­ber 11, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., for our 9th Annu­al Vet­er­ans Day Cel­e­bra­tion. Our reg­is­tra­tion area will be marked, so look for our signs.

Please bring a copy of your pow­er bill and your DD-214, mil­i­tary ID or proof of enlist­ment to receive a spe­cial gift and a $20 pow­er bill cred­it. These are just small tokens of our appre­ci­a­tion for the ser­vice, sac­ri­fice, ded­i­ca­tion and fear­less­ness each of our vet­er­ans has giv­en so that we can enjoy our free­dom. We hope to see you there!

Google Direc­tions

Aerial map showing American Legion Post 34, Heckle Blvd; marked entrance, exit, and registration area for Veterans Day event with directional arrows.