Your board in action
Discussion continues in the board room about new technologies that help your co-op serve members. Gathering data from metering devices is key to measuring individual energy use for future electric needs. Updates to our system will be coming soon. Additionally, the board has decided it will be necessary to increase our electric rates in 2025. To minimize the impact to members, discussions will continue through October to determine the final number members can expect.

Powering Up
York Electric’s new Allison Creek substation is energized and available to serve members. This new infrastructure increases transmission and distribution reliability, increases electric capacity for the growth in this area and allows your co-op to seamlessly transfer service in a maintenance or outage situation. We’re always looking out for you!
We’re getting a new look!
You may notice an updated version of the back of your bill. Our goal was to make payment information as easy as possible for you to review. Also, be on the lookout for information about our improved website that will be available soon.