We’re doing all we can

York Electric Cooperative combats rising costs

One of our most impor­tant jobs is to keep the price of elec­tric­i­ty down. We haven’t had a base rate increase in more than 12 years because we’ve trimmed expens­es wher­ev­er we could. But not every­thing is in our con­trol. Here are just a few chal­lenges we’re see­ing:

The CEO poses for the camera
Craig Spencer


Infla­tion isn’t just dri­ving up the price of gro­ceries. Util­i­ty poles cost much more than they did a few years ago. The price of elec­tric trans­form­ers has soared from $874 in 2019 to $1,360 today. We also car­ry some of the high­est prop­er­ty tax bur­dens in the coun­ties we serve.

Inter­est rates also have risen sig­nif­i­cant­ly in recent years. To deliv­er the reli­able pow­er you have come to expect, we bor­row mon­ey to make upgrades to our elec­tric sys­tem. Those high­er rates have caused our inter­est expens­es to increase.

V.C. Sum­mer and the Cook case

A few years ago, two South Car­oli­na util­i­ties tried and failed to expand the V.C. Sum­mer nuclear pow­er plant. South Carolina’s elec­tric co-ops buy the bulk of our pow­er from one of those util­i­ties, San­tee Coop­er, and must share in the costs of their cap­i­tal projects, suc­cess­ful or not.

In the wake of that project’s can­cel­la­tion, San­tee Coop­er set­tled a class-action law­suit and agreed to a four-year rate freeze that kept our pow­er costs sta­ble. Since then, a series of unfor­tu­nate events—including major storms, a fire at a supplier’s coal mine and glob­al events that drove up the price of fuel— have added about $680 mil­lion to San­tee Cooper’s bal­ance sheet.

Those new expens­es will get passed down to their consumers—including our co-op—after the rate freeze ends on Dec. 31. We are nego­ti­at­ing to spread those pay­ments over a longer time, which will soft­en their impact on pow­er bills.

Ener­gy pol­i­cy

Recent­ly, the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has pushed hard to reduce car­bon emis­sions, requir­ing pow­er providers to adopt unproven and expen­sive tech­nolo­gies.

They may have good inten­tions, but those reg­u­la­tions will make the cost of pro­duc­ing power—and buy­ing it—go up. When it comes to ener­gy pol­i­cy, we work dili­gent­ly with our state leg­is­la­tors and con­gres­sion­al rep­re­sen­ta­tives to make sure our voic­es are heard.

What we’re doing about it

York Elec­tric has main­tained the low­est con­trol­lable expens­es in South Car­oli­na, sav­ing our mem­bers approx­i­mate­ly $14 mil­lion in com­par­i­son to the medi­an report­ed con­trol­lable expense amount in the state. This is some­thing we track month­ly to be sure we are doing all we can to help ease the bur­den of these new costs.

York Elec­tric is work­ing to deter­mine if a rate change is nec­es­sary to pro­vide safe and reli­able pow­er in the future. We’ll also con­tin­ue to offer assis­tance and inno­v­a­tive pro­grams to help our mem­bers save on their ener­gy bills, as well as encour­ag­ing you to help hold down pow­er costs through pro­grams like Beat The Peak.

I think it’s impor­tant for mem­bers to be aware of these chal­lenges. In upcom­ing columns, I’ll revis­it these fac­tors in more detail. There are many impor­tant ques­tions still to be answered, but you have my promise that we will be trans­par­ent and proac­tive as we work to keep your pow­er afford­able.

Craig Spencer
Pres­i­dent and Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer
Rising costs graphic is shown
From Jan­u­ary 2020 to May 2024, mate­r­i­al costs for every­thing from cables to trans­form­ers to meters and even PVC pipe rose between 37.73% and 112.85%.