Mark your calendars!

YEC hosts annual Member Appreciation Shred Day

Your co-op is cel­e­brat­ing your mem­ber­ship in Octo­ber by host­ing our Annu­al Mem­ber Appre­ci­a­tion Shred Event. We are part­ner­ing with local­ly owned, vet­er­an-oper­at­ed Car­oli­na Shred to safe­ly and secure­ly shred your sen­si­tive doc­u­ments.

Who is invit­ed? All York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive mem­bers

When? Sat­ur­day, Oct. 5, 9 a.m. until noon

Where? Two loca­tions will be avail­able for mem­bers to attend dur­ing this date and time:

  • YEC’s main office, 1385 E. Alexan­der Love Hwy
  • Fort Mill: Car­oli­na Shred Head­quar­ters, 3356 SC Hwy. 51

What should you do? Gath­er any doc­u­ments of which you need to safe­ly dis­pose and bring them to one of our two loca­tions. Doc­u­ments will be secure­ly shred­ded on site. Please remove any trash and debris, espe­cial­ly bat­ter­ies and elec­tron­ics, from your shred­ding mate­r­i­al.

Why? So YEC can cel­e­brate our mem­bers!

YEC employees rally for a veterans celebration
Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and Out­reach team mem­bers Emma Sut­ton (left) and Porter Gable worked togeth­er with many oth­er co-op employ­ees to reg­is­ter vet­er­an mem­bers for their bill cred­it and spe­cial gift at the 2023 cel­e­bra­tion. Pho­to by Erin Nichols

Save the date

Don’t for­get to save the date for our annu­al Vet­er­ans Day Cel­e­bra­tion on Mon­day, Novem­ber 11, 2024. Our team is ready to hon­or you.

Details about what to expect will be in October’s South Car­oli­na Liv­ing and here on our web­site.