A measured “thank you”

Paul Basha, York Electric's CEO, is picturedWhen you think of your co-op — and it really is your co-op — we hope you know that our employees and trustees are looking out for you. Our goal isn’t just delivering reliable electricity at an affordable price. For us, it’s all about improving the quality of life of our members — every single day.

From time to time, we check in with you and your fellow co-op members to make sure we’re meeting that goal—and to find out where we can improve. You may remember the survey that was in the November edition of South Carolina Living.

From Nov. 2 until Dec. 15, we — along with most of South Carolina’s other electric cooperatives — collected those surveys.

The responses were sent off to the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI®), one of the oldest and most highly regarded industry satisfaction studies available. ACSI is the real deal, publishing customer satisfaction scores for approximately 400 companies across about 40 industries every year.

I’m pleased to report that York Electric Cooperative earned a 2023 ACSI® score of 93 on a 100-point scale.*

ACSI logoYour co-op had one of the top five highest ACSI scores among all participating Touchstone Energy Cooperatives in 2023. For the sake of comparison, our score is much higher than the average rating for investor-owned utilities (72) and municipal utilities (71), according to the 2023 ACSI Utility Sector Report. Our score is even higher than the average scores of other cooperatives across the country (74).

To put it into even clearer perspective, when I think about Chick-fil-A, the first thing that comes to mind is their excellent customer service. Unsurprisingly, the chain earned the fast-food industry’s highest ACSI score in 2023. It was an 85.

I’m honored that our members hold us in such high regard. And I’m excited for the challenge of continuing to meet a standard that has been set so high.

I believe this score is a testament to our employees. I see their commitment to service every day. Clearly, you see it too.

We know there is always room for improvement. That’s why we conduct these surveys, and it’s why we are always looking for ways to better serve you.

On behalf of our employees and board of trustees, thank you for being part of what makes this co-op special.

Paul Basha signature

President and Chief Executive Officer

*Results based on data provided by York Electric Cooperative collected between Nov. 2, 2023, and Dec. 15, 2023. ACSI® did not regulate the survey administration or sample size. ACSI and its logo are registered trademarks of the American Customer Satisfaction Index LLC. For more information, please visit the ACSI website.