Sweet summertime

The summer heat is officially upon us. Although this season is for fun in the sun, a break from school, vacations and family barbeques, it’s also a time when electric use increases. Your co-op can help you keep your bill low and more money in your pocket.

Here are some quick facts to remember as we beat the heat.

Summer energy savings 101

We all love to come in to cool air when it’s hot and sticky outside. However, that cold air costs big bucks and kilowatts.

Cooling your home is the largest portion of your monthly electric bill. Raising your thermostat just 5 degrees closer to the outside temperature can amount to big savings. We recommend setting your thermostat to 78 degrees and being mindful of temperature fluctuations and changes from others in your household.

Interested in a better system to monitor your energy use and to look for savings? Purchase a smart thermostat from YEC to earn monthly savings by visiting the thermostats page.

What your friend’s bill can’t tell you

Do you ever compare your electric bill to your neighbor’s? It’s easy to draw a false conclusion because we all use electricity differently. Your bill may be higher than someone else’s, even though your home is smaller. Your bill might be less than a smaller home down the road. You pay for what you use—no more, no less. Here’s why you may see these differences:

  • Your AC might be set on a different temperature and run more efficiently. The age and efficiency of your unit play a large factor in how much electricity you use.
  • The number of people living in your home and their habits. Do you have a teenager who opens the fridge constantly? Cold air rushes out each time the doors open, which triggers more cold air to be created to cool your food. Similarly, full freezers use less electricity than empty ones. What about laundry? Perhaps your neighbor has a large dry cleaning bill, but you wash and dry clothes for your whole family. Large appliances use a significant amount of power.
  • Your house might be better shaded than your neighbor’s home. More direct sunlight can cause the inside of your home to heat faster.

Help us Beat The Peak!

Keeping rates low for members is our goal and why we ask you to work together to help us cut costs. You may not realize your electricity is more expensive during “energy rush hour,” when folks are using more electricity at the same time. This is known as the peak. Join our team to Beat The Peak by postponing the use of major appliances for a more opportune time and sign up for alerts when your co-op anticipates a period of high energy use. Stay cool. We’re always looking out for you!

Paul Basha





Paul Basha
President and Chief Executive Officer