Annual Meeting a record breaker

YEC’S 2023 Annual Meeting was one for the record books. The co-op registered 4,882 members at its two-day drive-thru event, the highest number registering and voting in YEC’s history.

During the drive-thru event, members were presented a ballot to vote on three uncontested board seats. Tom Settlemyre, Scott Good and Jack Cornwell were reelected to serve 3-year terms.

Additionally, members voted on their preference for annual meeting logistics and their registration gift. The results were tallied as follows:

  • 3,727 members voted for your co-op to continue drive-thru registration.
  • 703 members voted for an in-person meeting.
  • 4,370 members voted for a power bill credit.
  • 71 members voted for a tangible gift.

We thank all our members who participated in the Annual Meeting.

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