Our seven cooperative principles

Like all co-ops, York Electric Cooperative is governed by a set of principles that outlines how we do business and emphasizes the importance of you—our members.

YEC has open and voluntary membership. Any person or business within YEC’s service territory can be served by YEC.

Masked YEC employee with clipboard outside helping member in his vehicle.
At last year’s annual meeting, Member Services Representative Anna Young verifies a member’s identity so he can register as an attendee and cast his vote for trustees. Save the date for this year’s meeting—May 13 and 14.

Your co-op is democratically controlled. Our board of directors is elected by the members each year at our annual meeting. We hope to see you on May 13 and 14 for this year’s drive-thru annual meeting to register for your $20 power bill credit, vote for the three board seats up for election and learn about the latest cooperative business.

Each member participates economically in their co-op. When you pay your bill each month, you are creating an equitable relationship with your co-op. Therefore, we return any profits exceeding the cost to operate to members in the form of Capital Credits. This year, our board voted to give $2.4 million back to members.

YEC is an autonomous and independent company. Although we are one of many cooperatives across the country and one of 20 cooperatives in South Carolina, our board of directors decides our rates, business practices, policies and procedures. These are decided upon based on the best benefit to our members, helping YEC continue to provide reliable, safe and affordable energy.

Nine co-op staff members.
The 2022 class of Team Forward John Good, Caleb Traenkner, Shannon Littleton, Jonathan Layfield, Celeste Hamilton, David Goransson, Bonnie Whetstine, Erin Powell and Markeus Farrand (left to right) enjoyed their first day of learning more about the business of electric cooperatives. YEC has had three successful classes of Team Forward, a group of employees who study more about the inner workings of the cooperative network and leadership.

YEC is committed to providing education, training and information to its members, employees and communities. We have the responsibility to share information about our business decisions, electrical safety and community partnerships with those we serve, as well as equip our employees with the knowledge and skills to perform their jobs.

YEC cooperates with other cooperatives to make a bigger impact. When storms occur or when important issues arise in the halls of government, co-ops band together to make a difference. From sending crews out of town to lobbying for what is best for our members, cooperatives work together for the benefit of the members and communities we serve.

We’re more than just your electric provider; YEC has a deep concern for community. We are committed to improving the quality of life for our members and those living in our service territory. YEC supports economic development to bring quality jobs to our area, provides funding for community improvement projects and gives time and resources to support the education of our youth.


YEC Lineworkers
[/media-credit] YEC linemen Daniel Adkins, Hunter Reed, Jeremy Huffstetler, Jackson Good, Ethan Mitchell and Rhett Carroll (left to right) loaded their gear and trucks and left home to help Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative restore power after the January 2022 ice storm.


A masked Mr. Barrentine donating blood.
[/media-credit] Your co-op cares. Lineman Derrick “Smiley” Barrentine donated blood to help save lives after work at our drive in October 2021.