We made lemonade: YEC evolves despite pandemic

Community involvement is not just something we are supposed to do at York Electric Cooperative. Working to make a difference and improve the quality of life for our members and others living in York, Chester, Cherokee and Lancaster counties is something we are passionate about.

Last year gave us a basket of lemons. The COVID-19 pandemic changed routines around the world. Our goal was to use this opportunity to make things better, more efficient and more accessible. We increased communications with members through our podcast “Co-op Talk” and by offering online chat. We increased awareness about existing online services and bill payment options and we’re now offering CheckOut by PayGo, allowing you to pay your bill conveniently while you shop.

While conducting business evolves and adapts in response to our macroeconomy, our commitment to you—our members—has never swayed. We still found a way to connect young students to lawmakers and leaders through our Virtual Youth Experience since it wasn’t safe to take them on trips to Washington, D.C. and Columbia, and we provided $17,000 in scholarships to students attending college this year. We hosted our first-ever drive-thru annual meeting and we have continued to grow our philanthropic efforts through Operation Round Up and The Burrell Foundation to help those in need. We also started our first annual Hot Dogs for Heroes lunch, feeding area first responders with the help of Hungry Heroes, a local nonprofit.

In the end, with innovation and help from each other, we made lemonade. Thanks for allowing us the privilege to look out for you.

Paul Basha





Paul Basha
President and Chief Executive Officer