Good news for our members

Yes! It’s real! Mem­bers who received pow­er from York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive between Jan­u­ary 1, 2007, and Jan­u­ary 31, 2020, may receive an unex­pect­ed bill cred­it or check in late Novem­ber and Decem­ber. The cred­its (for amounts less than $25) and checks (for amounts $25 or greater) are the result of the set­tle­ment of a class-action law­suit involv­ing the failed nuclear con­struc­tion project at V.C. Sum­mer Nuclear Gen­er­at­ing Sta­tion in Fair­field Coun­ty.

The funds are being paid by San­tee Coop­er, which owned the project along with SCE&G (now Domin­ion Ener­gy). YEC did not own the project. How­ev­er, because we buy from San­tee Coop­er some of the pow­er we deliv­er to our mem­bers, some mem­bers may be due bill cred­its or pay­ments. Your coop­er­a­tive did not cal­cu­late the pay­ments. They result­ed from a court-approved process after a set­tle­ment agree­ment was reached between the par­ties in the class-action law­suit.

Cook v. San­tee Coop­er Class Action Law­suit Web­site

Settlement Administrator Contacts

If you have any ques­tions regard­ing the admin­is­tra­tion of the Set­tle­ment, you may con­tact the Set­tle­ment Admin­is­tra­tor. Please include your name and your return address on all cor­re­spon­dence.

  • Mail: Cook v. SCPSA, Class Action Admin­is­tra­tor, P.O. Box 3127, Port­land, OR 97208–3127
  • Phone: 1–833-947‑0894 (toll-free auto­mat­ed num­ber)
  • Email:

YEC mem­bers are also wel­come to con­tact our mem­ber ser­vices team for help at 803–684-4248. Thank you for your mem­ber­ship!

Settlement Funds Distribution FAQ


I noticed a cred­it on my bill (or, I got a check in the mail) for some­thing relat­ed to a class action set­tle­ment. What’s that about?

A class-action law­suit was filed in 2017 fol­low­ing the fail­ure of the con­struc­tion project for two nuclear units at the V.C. Sum­mer Nuclear Gen­er­at­ing Sta­tion in Fair­field Coun­ty. San­tee Coop­er and SCE&G (now Domin­ion Ener­gy) were the own­ers of the project.

The law­suit argued that con­sumers should not have to pay for the near­ly $9 bil­lion in costs sunk into the failed project and essen­tial­ly lost with noth­ing to show for it. Your coop­er­a­tive was not a par­ty to the case, but your rights were affect­ed.

Before the law­suit went to tri­al, the par­ties came to an agree­ment and set­tled the suit. The set­tle­ment agree­ment called for $520 mil­lion to be refund­ed to cus­tomers of San­tee Coop­er and the elec­tric coop­er­a­tives.

How were the cred­its issued?

Coop­er­a­tive mem­bers who were due $25 or more got a check in the mail. Coop­er­a­tive mem­bers whose cred­it was less than $25 got a cred­it on their elec­tric­i­ty bill. The YEC mem­ber ser­vices team will be hap­py to help clar­i­fy any ques­tions you have.

Is the bill cred­it I got this month all there is?

The refund or pay­ment you received rep­re­sents about 70% of the refund amount com­ing to you. A sec­ond cred­it or pay­ment for the remain­ing 30% will be applied in the fall of 2022—a cou­ple of years from now. That’s the way the plan was set up by the court. YEC does not have con­trol over the tim­ing.

My bill cred­it sure was small. Why so lit­tle?

Refunds were cal­cu­lat­ed based on how much elec­tric­i­ty you pur­chased dur­ing a spe­cif­ic time peri­od up through Jan­u­ary 31, 2020. So, if you were only a YEC mem­ber for a short amount of time before last Decem­ber, you real­ly didn’t pay much for the nuclear plant’s con­struc­tion.

Why didn’t I get any refund?

The class in the class-action law­suit includ­ed only those peo­ple who were mem­bers through Jan­u­ary 31, 2020. So, if you came online with YEC in 2020, you did not have charges in your elec­tric bill inside the class peri­od.

How was my amount cal­cu­lat­ed?

Your share of the set­tle­ment was based on your pow­er usage, but YEC did not per­form the final cal­cu­la­tion. That was between the court and the firm hired to admin­is­ter the set­tle­ment, a firm called Epiq (pro­nounced eh’-pic), a glob­al firm in the legal ser­vices indus­try.

If you have any ques­tions regard­ing the admin­is­tra­tion of the Set­tle­ment, you may con­tact the Set­tle­ment Admin­is­tra­tor.

Please include your name and your return address on all cor­re­spon­dence.

  • Cook v. SCPSA, Class Action Admin­is­tra­tor, P.O. Box 3127, Port­land, OR 97208–3127
  • 1–833-947‑0894 (toll-free auto­mat­ed num­ber)
  • Email:



You are also wel­come to con­tact YEC’s mem­ber ser­vices team at 803–684-4248 dur­ing nor­mal busi­ness hours.