Invested in serving you

YEC invests in the future of your co-op through sys­tem upgrades. This month, I’m going to reach back to my engi­neer­ing roots to dis­cuss many state-of-the-art improve­ments your co-op has made to our dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tem. In this issue, you will find detailed infor­ma­tion about upgrades and their ben­e­fits to you.

YEC Bucket bucket trucks and crew.
[/me­dia-cred­it] Invest­ment in our sys­tem has ben­e­fit­ted mem­bers through­out YEC’s ter­ri­to­ry.

As you know, we are always look­ing out for you, which means we want to make sure your lights come on and stay on. We strive to pro­vide excel­lent ser­vice day to day, but it is imper­a­tive for your co-op to plan ahead in order to car­ry this mis­sion into the future. From 2018 through the rest of this year, an invest­ment of more than $19.5 mil­lion will be spent improv­ing our dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tem and anoth­er $5.9 mil­lion will be put towards main­te­nance. While some of these updates were nec­es­sary because of growth, oth­ers were to improve tech­nol­o­gy, increase reli­a­bil­i­ty, and to make our grid smarter, enabling us to iden­ti­fy and iso­late out­ages as they occur.

We real­ize this is a large amount of mon­ey. While this includes dol­lars we spend year­ly in right of way main­te­nance, it does not include our large ongo­ing project to bury over­head lines that are hard to reach in out­age sit­u­a­tions. As your co-op, our job is to pow­er your life. This price tag sets us up for suc­cess to con­tin­ue pro­vid­ing reli­able, safe, afford­able ener­gy for years to come. Thank you for trust­ing us to serve you. We aim to con­tin­ue improv­ing while stay­ing true to our mis­sion of always putting our mem­bers first.


Paul Basha, CEO, York Electric Cooperative

Paul Basha

Paul Basha
Pres­i­dent and Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer

Growth Drives Upgrades to YEC System »

York Electric Cooperative System Improvement Map
Click­ing on the map graph­ic above will open a larg­er ver­sion in the same brows­er win­dow.