Successful membership at all ages

Growing up is hard to do. You are suddenly responsible for choosing the right path for your future and paying your own bills. As a young member, you were able to enjoy safety demonstrations, career fairs and magic shows. As a young adult, you might have your first real account. That’s okay—we’ve got your back. Membership at your local electric cooperative is made for any age because we have the resources and programs to support you and your journey. Whether you need help budgeting your bill for the first time, tips on saving energy, learning how to access your account from your cell phone, or a way to connect with your community, YEC is here to help, working with you so that you are successful.

Speaking of success, we all define the term differently. For some members, success means paying their bill each month in exchange for reliable service.

Success to you could mean recognizing a familiar voice when you call your co-op or seeing a familiar face when you enter the office each month. Others see success as a way to connect on various platforms, actively seeking ways to save energy to make a difference. That’s what is great about YEC—our diversified membership. We are here for all of you and to support each of your needs, even those who are feeling the growing pains of leaving home to achieve a degree in higher education for the first time.

Nothing is better than seeing our youngest members become young adults and achieve their dreams. YEC is proud to find innovative ways to support our communities, our youth and you. What does success look like for you?


Paul Basha, CEO, York Electric Cooperative

Paul Basha

Paul Basha
President and Chief Executive Officer

Member Comfort Update

Who enjoys the ease of sending a text? The good news is your co-op does, too! Just by texting JOIN to 352667, you can communicate with YEC through text messaging. After entering the START command, you can check your balance by texting BAL, pay your bill by texting PAY, report an outage by texting OUTAGE, or call the office by texting CALL. This part of our Member Comfort Initiative is about keeping it simple and empowering our members. Save our number to make conducting your business a breeze!