Learn about safety in a colorful way

Show us your talents by participating in this year’s coloring contest! York Electric is proud to sponsor our 6th annual Linemen Gear Up for Safety Coloring Contest for children who are in the first grade.

YEC 2016 Coloring Contest Winning EntriesTeaching you about electrical safety is important because we want you to stay safe around power lines. It’s another way we are looking out for you–our youngest members. To participate, download the coloring sheet. Learn how our lineworkers stay safe around electricity while showing off your creativity.


Speaking of safety, our Rodeo Team has been hard at work practicing their skills for the event this month. Although friendly competition is fun, being a part of the Rodeo Team is one of the best forms of safety training for our lineworkers here at the co-op. We are proud to have yet another way to incorporate safety in our daily work so that we all go home safe, every day.

The 2019 Rodeo Team will be judging the artwork to award prizes of $100, $50 and $25 for the three best entries. The winners will be invited to come to the co-op for a picture with the lineworkers and a close look at one of our bucket trucks.

All entries should be turned in by Friday, March 6, 2020.

Meet your Coloring Contest judges! This month, YEC will send a group of 18 linemen to Florence to compete against other South Carolina cooperatives on safety skills and electrical knowledge. Part of the 2019 Rodeo Team is pictured preparing for the competition. The rigorous skill training our linemen complete for the event provides on-the-job safety readiness so that each employee goes home, without harm, to their families every day. Just another way we locals are looking out for you and our community. The team looks forward to seeing the artistic talents of our young members! All entries are due by Friday, April 5, 2019.