Another bright opportunity

YEC Community SolarRenewable energy is an important part of our future! Over the past several years, YEC has received a lot of inquiries from its members in reference to community solar options. The interest level was so great that your cooperative made plans to establish a community solar project for you. Last fall, YEC constructed its first Community Solar farm, Lesslie Solar Farm, in Rock Hill located off Springdale Road. And, the subscriptions to the farm were sold out within the first two weeks. Since then, the benefits of Community Solar farms have become more appealing, and YEC’s members continue to want to have the opportunity to participate; therefore, YEC will construct two more Community Solar farms this year. Plans are now underway, and we look forward to sharing the details with you in future issues of South Carolina Living magazine and here on our website.

YEC's Marc Howie with CN2 reporter, Mia Macy
Marc Howie, YEC’s Vice President of Community Development, shares the member benefits of YEC’s Lesslie Community Solar Farm during an interview with CN2 News reporter, Mia Macy. Photo: Porter Gable


If you determine that installing your own PV solar system isn’t right for you, we encourage you to check into our Community Solar farms where you will be able to participate with renewable energy without the cost and commitment of installing panels on your home. Donna Dessaint, YEC’s solar liaison, is available to answer any questions you may have regarding community solar. Please feel free to give Donna a call at (803) 818-5213.
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Community Solar 
Renewable Energy