York Electric announces coloring contest winners

YEC 2016 Coloring Contest Winning Entries

A note from 7-year-old Sarah Pusey that reads: Dear linemen, thank you for fixing and building our lines...In hon­or of line­man’s appre­ci­a­tion day, York Elec­tric held our 2nd annu­al Line­men Gear Up for Safe­ty Col­or­ing Con­test. Although there were many tal­ent­ed young artists, we could only pick three of the 48 con­tes­tants. The 2016 Rodeo Team chose the pic­tures that stood out to them as the best and most cre­ative.

As an added bonus, we received a spe­cial note, shown at the left, from 7‑year-old Sarah Pusey. As Sarah says, “Dear line­men, thank you for fix­ing and build­ing our lines.” After all, you are the rea­son the lights come on.

To our line­men, we appre­ci­ate your ded­i­ca­tion and hard work. Here’s to you!

YEC happily welcomed our coloring contest winners at our office to take pictures with the judges, Grayson Smith (left) and Zach Childers (right). (from left) 1st place winner Cam Olson (age 12) from York; 2nd place winner Jessica McMasters (age 7) from Smyrna and 3rd place winner Hayley Lawrence (age 10) from Fort Mill. Photo: Porter Gable
YEC hap­pi­ly wel­comed our col­or­ing con­test win­ners at our office to take pic­tures with the judges, Grayson Smith (left) and Zach Childers (right). (from left) 1st place win­ner Cam Olson (age 12) from York; 2nd place win­ner Jes­si­ca McMas­ters (age 7) from Smyr­na and 3rd place win­ner Hay­ley Lawrence (age 10) from Fort Mill. Pho­to: Porter Gable