Small change changes lives

Operation Round UpImagine the opportunity to help the less fortunate in our community with what amounts to little more than spare change. That’s exactly what members of YEC do when they choose to participate in Operation Round Up.

Members of YEC have the unique opportunity to participate in an innovative program that provides funding for all kinds of worthy non-profit charities right here at home. It’s administered by the York Electric Trust, a board of community leaders from YEC who serve on a voluntary basis. The bills of participating members are rounded to the next-highest dollar each month. The extra cents collected goes into the Round Up fund. The average contribution is about six dollars a year, and it is tax deductible.

Operation Round Up funds stay right here at home, and the guidelines used for awarding funds address needs for food, shelter, clothing, healthcare and other vital community services. “Because we are a Touchstone Energy Partner, we believe it’s only right that we should work for positive change within the communities we serve,” says Marc Howie, vice president of community development for YEC. “We consider it both a duty and a privilege to join with our members in leveraging the real power–the power of human connections–for the good of all.”

Since YEC’s Operation Round Up program began in 2000, more than $1.7 million has been allocated. For more information, visit this page or call (803) 684-4248.
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