YEC selects 2013 Washington Youth Tour delegates

Look out. Wash­ing­ton! Tomor­row’s lead­ers are head­ed your way.

Kemp Wilson, Westminster Catawba Christian School
Kemp Wil­son, West­min­ster Cataw­ba Chris­t­ian School

Two local stu­dents will tour the nation’s cap­i­tal in June, cour­tesy of YEC. Kemp Wil­son of Chester and Chad­wick Rollins of Rock Hill are rep­re­sent­ing YEC on the Wash­ing­ton Youth Tour, June 15–20.

YEC spon­sors ris­ing high school seniors on the chap­er­oned trip each sum­mer. Kemp and Chad­wick will join approx­i­mate­ly 50 stu­dents rep­re­sent­ing oth­er co-ops across the state. In Wash­ing­ton, they will meet their con­gress­men; learn more about elec­tric co-ops and our nation’s gov­ern­ment. They’ll tour his­toric sites as well as gov­ern­ment build­ings, muse­ums and mon­u­ments.

Chadwick Rollins, Northwestern High School
Chad­wick Rollins, North­west­ern High School

The pur­pose of the tour is to teach stu­dents the val­ues every elec­tric coop­er­a­tive brings to the com­mu­ni­ties they serve, pro­mote civic involve­ment, enlight­en youth on today’s press­ing ener­gy issues and pro­vide a per­son­al view of our nation’s rich her­itage.

Dur­ing the tour, you can fol­low the S.C. del­e­ga­tion at Also, access, for reg­u­lar­ly updat­ed pho­tos of our future lead­ers in action

YEC con­grat­u­lates these young lead­ers, and we’re sure they’ll have a great trip and rep­re­sent us well!
Relat­ed Top­ics:
Stu­dent del­e­ga­tion heads to D.C.