2012 Washington Youth Tour Delegates

2012 Washington Youth Tour Winners

Charlie Westbrook and Sarah Keistler
2012 Youth Tour Winners, Charlie Westbrook and Sarah Keistler

Charlie Westbrook of Rock Hill and Sarah Keistler of Clover are the winners of an all expense-paid trip to Washington D.C. sponsored by YEC. They will travel with approximately 45 other South Carolina students to the nation’s capital where they will join more than 1,400 students from across the county, June 16-21.

“The purpose of the tour is to teach students the values every electric cooperative brings to the communities they serve, promote civic involvement, enlighten youth on today’s pressing energy issues and provide a personal view of our nation’s rich heritage,” says co-op President and CEO Paul Basha. “YEC congratulates these young leaders and we’re sure they’ll have a great trip and represent us well.” Charlie is a junior at Westminster Catawba Christian School and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Westbrook, Jr. Sarah is a junior at Clover High School and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Keistler.

In D.C., Charlie and Sarah will gain perspective on today’s important issues and their role as engaged citizens. They will have the opportunity to meet with members from the SC congressional delegation and tour the Supreme Court, Mount Vernon, Arlington National Cemetery, Jefferson, Lincoln, Korean and Vietnam Veterans memorials.

During the tour, you can follow the S.C. delegation at twitter.com/scyouthtour. Also, access youthtour.coop for regularly updated photos of our future leaders in action.

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