Co-op power

Keeping it reliable, affordable, environmentally responsible

Paul Basha, YEC President & CEO
Paul Basha, President & CEO

York Electric Cooperative has three top priorities: provide you safe, reliable access to electric power, offer that service as affordably as possible, and do both in a fiscally and environmentally responsible fashion.

Because YEC is a not-for-profit co-op, we are well positioned to make any necessary investments for ensuring safe, reliable and affordable electricity. However, fulfilling our commitment to environmental stewardship in a fiscally responsible manner has become more challenging. Many environmental laws that were adopted by Congress decades ago are being used by federal agencies and the courts to address issues for which they were never intended.

For example, the federal Clean Air Act is now 40 years old and was last amended in 1990. Much has changed in the intervening years, including technology, our understanding of the environment environment, and the electric utility industry.

Today, officials with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency are trying to modify the Clean Air Act to fit new circumstances. Without a doubt, new EPA rules being issued will wind up back in the courts—and lengthy litigation will ensue.

Reasonable people can and will disagree over how to find a balance between protecting the environment, guaranteeing a reliable supply of power, and keeping electric bills affordable. Congress eventually will have to revisit the Clean Air Act and update it to fit the needs of the 21st century. Meanwhile, YEC will continue to encourage lawmakers and regulators to strike the proper balance on these concerns.

Paul Basha

Paul Basha
President and Chief Executive Officer