Co-op Connections

Grumpy Brothers offers sizzling breakfast deal for YEC members

David and Charlie Harward, owners of Grumpy Brothers Grill and Bakery. Photo: Joyce Baker
David and Char­lie Har­ward, own­ers of Grumpy Broth­ers Grill and Bak­ery. Pho­to: Joyce Bak­er

EAT-BACON (803–328-2226) is the phone num­ber for YEC’s newest Co-op Con­nec­tions busi­ness par­tic­i­pant, Grumpy Broth­ers Grill and Bak­ery. You’ll get 10% off all menu pur­chas­es upon pre­sen­ta­tion of the Co-op Con­nec­tions card.

Broth­ers Char­lie and David Har­ward use local and region­al ingre­di­ents for their home­made recipes, such as Adluh stone-ground grits from Colum­bia, the key to their creamy Shem Creek shrimp ‘n’ grits. Or try one of their deli­cious pas­tries, made fresh dai­ly, with a cup of Iron Brew cof­fee.

Enjoy your break­fast or book a par­ty in the Mor­gan Room, named after David’s 2‑year-old daugh­ter and their great uncle, Otha Mor­gan. He cre­at­ed the secret recipes for their thou­sand island and blue cheese dress­ings. “The thou­sand island dress­ing is the inspi­ra­tion behind dish­es such as our Endy Burg­er,” says David. “The name orig­i­nat­ed from the Endy Lun­cheonette that Uncle Otha ran him­self.”

What’s in a name?

When Char­lie and David con­sid­ered the state of the econ­o­my, they knew start­ing their own busi­ness could be a risk. Still, they fig­ured Char­lie’s culi­nary skills paired with David’s busi­ness sense could help the restau­rant suc­ceed. They also hoped to pro­vide jobs to help people.[mappress mapid=“7”]That noble goal aside, they faced anoth­er chal­lenge: What to call their busi­ness? Despite input from fam­i­ly and friends, the broth­ers just could­n’t agree. Char­lie and David became grumpy, at least until Thanks­giv­ing Day last fall, when they set­tled on Grumpy Brothers—and start­ed smil­ing again.

“It was worth the risk and our dreams have become a real­i­ty,” says Char­lie. “We now employ 14, pro­vide our cus­tomers with a wide vari­ety of home­made dish­es, and I get to do what I love—cook.”

Grumpy Broth­ers serves hot and cold sand­wich­es, hot­dogs, and big burg­ers, along with soups, sal­ads and oth­er sides. The restau­rant is locat­ed at 295 Her­long Ave., Rock Hill, in the Mill­wood Plaza. Hours: Mon­day– Sat­ur­day, 7 a.m. until 9 p.m. For more infor­ma­tion, call (803) EAT-BACON or vis­it

Make more Connections

More local busi­ness­es now offer Co-op Con­nec­tions dis­counts. Recent addi­tions:

  • Charles Hane­brink’s Mixed Mar­tial Arts Train­ing Cen­ter (MATC) (Rock Hill)
  • Allen Tate Real­tors (Lake Wylie)
  • Sports Fans Ink (York)
  • Car­oli­na Pre­mier Win­dow Films, Inc. (Fort Mill)

Sim­ply show your card to receive the dis­counts.

View the dis­counts offered by local, region­al and nation­al par­tic­i­pants, includ­ing many phar­ma­cies. Par­tic­i­pat­ing busi­ness­es inter­est­ed in being fea­tured in South Car­oli­na Liv­ing mag­a­zine should con­tact Joyce Bak­er at (803) 628‑5541.