Dual Fuel Heat Pump Rebate

A dual-fuel heat pump is an elec­tric heat pump and a gas fur­nace all in one. In South Car­oli­na, where tem­per­a­tures are typ­i­cal­ly above freez­ing a heat pump is the most effi­cient way to heat your home. In those instances when the tem­per­a­ture drops below freez­ing, a gas fur­nace pro­vides heat more eco­nom­i­cal­ly. By com­bin­ing the two, you can have the ben­e­fits of both sys­tems.

How it works

When the tem­per­a­ture is above 35 degrees or so, the dual-fuel heat pump uses elec­tric­i­ty to heat your home as nec­es­sary. This type of heat cir­cu­lates even­ly through­out your home, and isn’t too dry. When it gets real­ly cold out­side (around 35 degrees or low­er), the heat pump auto­mat­i­cal­ly switch­es to sup­ple­men­tal gas heat for bet­ter effi­cien­cy. Because there are advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages to both a heat pump and gas fur­nace based on the out­door tem­per­a­ture, the dual-fuel solu­tion real­ly does give you the best of both worlds. It’s the most com­fort­able heat­ing sys­tem at any out­door tem­per­a­ture, as well as one of the most effi­cient, ver­sa­tile, and eco­nom­i­cal heat­ing-and-cool­ing sys­tems you can buy.

Why Dual Fuel?

York Elec­tric wants its mem­bers to have avail­able as much elec­tric­i­ty as they need. How­ev­er, when the Coop­er­a­tive nears peak demand, we want to cut back on total ener­gy demand, thus keep­ing rates from climb­ing high­er. Dur­ing mild win­ter tem­per­a­tures, the heat pump oper­ates with incred­i­ble effi­cien­cy. Dur­ing the cold­est times, the fos­sil fuel fur­nace burns at its great­est effi­cien­cy. By using these two sources of heat at their great­est effi­cien­cy, you can actu­al­ly heat your home for less than if you use only one source of heat. By switch­ing to gas heat at peak win­ter times which are typ­i­cal in ear­ly morn­ing hours, you alle­vi­ate some of the increased demand on your coop­er­a­tive and all mem­bers will ben­e­fit.

It’s been hard to cap­ture the big “all elec­tric” devel­op­ment with devel­op­ers want­i­ng the abil­i­ty to adver­tise both elec­tric and gas util­i­ties. This has been the case with an over­whelm­ing major­i­ty of new buy­ers being from the North or Mid­west where gas is still strong in peo­ple’s minds. Dual fuel heat pumps can be the mar­ket­ing fac­tor that helps us cap­ture that load while keep­ing peak demand down.